
My name is Evan Forde Barden.

I'm a web developer and creative human living in Brooklyn, NY.
This is my website  where you can see what I'm working on and
look at photos of me, like the one right up here ^.

Contact me

The power Joker

The Power Joker is a comedy talk show hosted by the long-dead villain of NYC, Robert Moses, and focuses on issues of urban life from transportation to housing, politics to park design, and everything in between. Featuring hilarious comedians, real-world experts, and live music, it's the perfect night out for anyone interested in how our great city works.


Young Douglas

Young Douglas is a premier sketch group formed at UCB NY and performing regularly since 2020, including appearances at Toronto Sketch Fest and iO Fest in Chicago. We have a real fun time.

Check us out


Repeater is the best place to hear from comedians and other artists about the songs that they love and to laugh along the way. Hosts Evan and Pat love music because of the personal significance each song carries and they hope to share those stories and experiences with the world. Each episode, they interview a guest about one song that means a lot to them.

Check us out